Thursday, September 24, 2009

Signs of Growing Up?

Last Thursday, September 17, marked my 30th year on this great Earth. Unlike many people I've talked to, I hadn't been dreading this important date and wasn't hesitant to answer the question, "How old will you be?" The fact that my birthday falls in my absolute favorite month of the year (as far as the weather is concerned) helps. Had I been drudging through slush and bundled in layers on some dreary day in late January, I may not have felt the same elation as I did last week. It was sunny, in the mid-70's and what was quite possibly one of the most beautiful days of the year.

On my actual birthday, I didn't wake up feeling any different than the day before. The world hadn't ended, I was as perky as ever when my 5:30 a.m. wake-up call arrived, and I was genuinely excited about the day ahead...especially finding out what my husband had up his sleeve (if you know Ryan, you'll understand my elation about a surprise getaway he had planned with absolutely NO assistance from yours truly).

Enter the BUT of the story...

BUT...I can say I've noticed a few things since the big 3-0 that have caused me some concern. I've been left to wonder, "Are these signs of growing up?"

Here they are, in no particular order of annoyance, fear or dread:

1. Upon arriving in Roanoke, IN at the Joseph Decuis B&B where Ryan had taken me for a night of fine dining and relaxation, I realized I had forgotten my overnight bag. Apparently, the memory loss has already started.

2. I continue to refrain from my favorite exercise of running due to the pain I've been having from my IT band. For those of you suffering from a similar injury, click here for some great reading. Could my body already be giving into the aches and pains that accompany aging?

3. This morning I was applying my makeup at the gym and noticed that my skin looked awful! There was dryness under my eyes and unevenness in its tone. Great. I'd better add $150 in skin care creams to our monthly budget since deep wrinkles are sure to soon follow.

4. The other day, I found what was my second gray hair (well, second gray hair that I've seen). Of course, I quickly yanked it. Add another $150 to the budget for hair coloring treatments.

So there they are - signs that I'm growing up and continuing on the non-stop, and what will sometimes be cruel, journey of aging. The good news is that I am hopeful that my 30's are going to be the best years of my life (thus far). I'm also entering them with a number of blessings: wonderful husband, precious son, amazing friends and family and the joy of the Lord. Who cares about gray hairs and wrinkles, right?